Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 7

Figure 1: Test settings
Figure 2: Run 2

During the past week, the group finalized the design of the well-plate. Subsequently, the design was sent to the 3-D Printer to be physically created. The well-plate printing should be completed early in week 8, allowing the group to test the functionality of the design and see if it works as anticipated. In addition, the group conducted more sample tests of the electrospinner. 2 samples were collected and viewed under an optical microscope. Figure 1 shows the first sample, in which the electrospinner used a random assortment of settings in order to get a feel for the instruments used. Figure 2 demonstrates the second sample, in which the electrospinner used a 4% PEO solution at 23.8 degrees Celsius and at 41% humidity. The electrospinner was run for 20 minutes, using a fly height of 14 cm, the normal speed of the motor, and 14 kV of electricity.

During the lab section, the group spun more samples with the electrospinner at different settings.  In the coming week, the group hopes to view these samples under the optical microscope in order to see the effectiveness of each setting.